The Camarilla, A vampire association is a gothic vampire
club founded in the early 1990`s by players of Vampire :The Masquerade, the most popular of the vampire-oriented "role-playing
(or storytelling) games. In the game, the players assume the role of a vampire who is a member of the vampire society called
the Camarilla. In the myth, vampires created the Camarilla after the Inquisition in an effort to keep their race from being
totally annihilated. They organized The Camarilla into clans, each of which was distinguished by the peculiar aesthtic/intellectual
approach to the vampiric condition, or by a certain ethic orgin. The Camarilla, A vampire Fan association focuses
on the vampire as a tragic and romantic figure and tends to avoid its violent aspects. Members of the club join a clan and
create a vampire persona which is lived out in club activities, such as gaming sessions. The club emphasizes member participation
and encourages new members to become active in a local chapter or even begin one themselves. Chapters are often involved in
raising money for local charaties or hosting blood drives,etc. Community sevice is emphasized as much as roleplaying. The
Camarilla is headed by a governing board, referred to as The Inner Circle. Each of the primary clans is respresented on the
board. In each city there is a city coordinator (reffered to as the Prince), chapter coordinators and their assistants (Elders
and Regents), and the gaming referee (the City Storyteller). This helps keep the real world and the game world seperate. Chapters
must have at least five members to receive a charter, and its first termed a "coterie". After six months of activity that
includes the sponsoring of gaming sessions and some self-chosen task (the publication of a fanzine, organization of a special
event,etc.) it can be designated as a :House", an honored position in the city. Individual members receive the membership
handbook, : The Tomb of the Kindred(which explains the club`s organization and assists members in developing their personae),
and the club`s quarterly fanzine, `Requiem`, plus a host of other materials.
The Camarilla may be contacted at 8314 Greenwood
Ave. N.,Box 2850.Seattle, WA 98103. Sources:Rein-Hagen.Mark. Vampire:The Masquerade, Stone Mountain,GA. : White wolf,1991
263pp. Wright,Jana,`The Tomb of the Kindred. Seattle,WA: The Camarilla, 1993 44pp. footnote: The Vampire Book, The
encyclopdia of the undead.`J. Gordon Melton 1994@copyright.